The Return To The World Wide Web …

I worked for twelve years in the music industry from 1979 to 1992 where I made some good friends within the business. Even today I am still making new contacts around the globe on discovering new music. Over the years I have also attended many concerts some I cannot even remember being at! As you would expect I have a vast library of music to hand which is forever increasing on a daily basis. I have written a few blogs in my time since the mid 1990’s, this is now my permanent home. I hope you will enjoy reading my ramblings in these blogs as much as I love writing them though my grammar and spelling sometimes maybe wayward.


Some things never change for me as I still get a real buzz when I introduce people to vinyl101-2-mid-2some music that I have discovered recently.  For those who know me well will understand when I say to them; ‘Have a listen to this music’. This usually involves me playing maybe the first thirty seconds of each track or jumping around the recording finding the best parts for them to listen to.

Have a good look around this site as the search facilities are very easy to use. Where possible I will link as much free music. These pages are very fluid and hopefully will get a lot better over time! What is so wonderful about music is that it is forever evolving and re-inventing itself with new material just waiting to be listened to.

Feel free to follow this blog there are various ways to do so. Your comments are always welcome as I like to hear other people’s views on the subjects I post but note they will be moderated first for spamming or bad language. Lastly these blogs contain my own personal views and ideas, so have a read.

Listen : Phildel – Ghost